LEITWIND has good reasons to celebrate: a study by GSE (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici) has shown that LEITWIND is the market leader in the category 200 – 2,000 kW installations in its home market Italy.
The study has analyzed the Italian energy market and has identified the distribution of each manufacturers market volume in this segment. With a market share of 42%, LEITWIND is at 1st place in the above-mentioned category, leading by far in comparison to other wind turbine generator manufacturers.

LEITWIND with its state of the art advanced technology has been active in the wind energy sector for more than 10 years, designing, developing, manufacturing and installing wind turbine generators and entire wind farm. 143 successfully installed wind turbines in Italy alone underline the results of the GSE study. With its large portfolio of products LEITWIND can provide the wind turbine generator, which suits best to the site specific wind conditions at individual locations, that is an essential criteria for an optimal energy production.
All LEITWIND products follow a modular concept and have LEITWINDs DirectDrive, an active electrical yaw and a pitch control system in common. The stae of the art technology and continuous investments in research and development are the eky to LEITWIND’s success.